Back/Neck Pain

Treating failed back surgery in the best possible manner

A disorder wherein surgery is not successful is referred to as failed back surgery. As the name suggests, the major result of this syndrome is inadequateness to address a wide range of symptoms that led to surgery for effective treatment of an ailment related to back. The reasons behind failure in this surgery vary from a person to person. There are several causes for the same. Some of the major causes are-

Causes of failed back surgery

Failed back surgery symptoms can develop when excessive pressure on nerve roots or spinal cord is not rectified even after surgery. This condition also results when a herniated disc is not able to be corrected or spinal column instability is not corrected. If during the procedure, a surgeon damages tissue, the muscle tone is lost in the back after recovering from the surgery. Spinal joints are sometimes altered significantly or the place where procedure took place, scar tissue develops, this condition may result.

Treatment for failed back surgery

A plan for treatment will be established by Maryland Pain Management doctor that may encompass a wide range of oral medications for reducing inflammation levels or suppressing pain. Injection medications may also be used to achieve results depending on the condition.

There are several exercises that also help in relieving pressure on spinal cord, nerves, etc. Electric stimulation can also bring about pain suppression. This stimulation is brought about in the tissues of the nervous system. Pain medication can also be administered using internal pumps that release pain medications intermittently to the tissues. After Maryland Pain Management diagnoses your current condition, the possibility of failed back syndrome reduces to a significant level. A doctor will recommend surgery only when it is extremely necessary. If nothing works, DND or discectomy and neural decompression, a treatment option needs to be adopted.